Pink Moon BellyDance is all about dancing for wellness--dancing for all ages, for all bodies, linking the African culture/history of bellydance. I would describe myself as a wholistic bellydance instructor. Because bellydance was not introduced to me as a performance art, but as a casual social activity the women in my community would do at tea parties/weddings for healing/worship, or celebration. |

Pink Moon Bellydance is active throughout the NC Triangle Community. We bring that bellydance flair to birthday parties, ladies' night out, festivals, schools, child care centers, bridal showers, blessingways (blessing the pregnant mother before she goes into labor), Queen Mother Ceremony (honoring the mother after birth), Rites of Passage Programs, storytime in libraries and on rooftops, and more. Click HERE to book me. | I've also created a Pink Portal, to continue and support bellydance education beyond the classroom. The Pink Portal is a private student-instructor Bellydance Blog consisting of everything we cover in class plus supporting material. This includes video, pictures, inspiration, fitness/health information, and more. Students can communicate with each other and with me (the instructor). You gain access once you begin Pink Moon Bellydance Classes. |
Below is a sneak peek into The Pink Portal, which may be available by subscription soon.
Below is our Belly Yoga event which is a fusion of yoga and bellydance. I usually coteach this event with a yoga instructor such as Ingrid Saddler-Walker (E-RYT 200/500) of Wytha Balance Yoga Studio.
Below is a Youth BellyDance Birthday Bash!!
Below is our Annual Dancing Fire Circle, which also provides a casual healing spiritual "performance" space for dancers/
for everyone.
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