Why the name "Rites of Passage Institute" for the company?
- Rite: is simply a ceremonial/ritual or customary series of acts marking some significant occasion.
- Passage: means the act or process, transition, or movement from one place or condition to another.
- Rites of Passage: an activity or celebration marking the successful transition from one life stage to another.
- As we said in the About Us page, honoring our ancestors is imperative. Our ancestors are a blueprint for life (the fundamental standard of greatness for us). It is our personal goal and the goal of our company Rites of Passage Institute to preserve and facilitate the passage values. It is with this greatness in mind that we base our curriculum and create our products (i.e. The Rites of Passage Learning Center Meal Treasury, Custom Belly Dancing Coin Belts, Windows of Opportunity, Family Co-op, etc).
- We call our educational services (tutoring, homeschooling, wellness workshops) Rites of Passage Institute because we believe that through teaching knowledge and skills we are helping you to reach the next stage of your life (whether it is getting an "A" in algebra or having your children in a nourishing environment while at work). This progress is what will help you fulfill your life purpose or reach your highest potential (healthy well-adjusted children, that job promotion, etc). Your education supports your transition/rites of passage in life. After working with us, it is our intention, that you are in a greater position!
- Yes, we have a rites of passage program, which we offer on a case by case basis. Contact us if you want to sponsor a young person progressing through the Rites of Passage Program or know a young person interested in participating in our Rites of Passage Program.